Obsessive Specificity
Some time back I came across a great tweet-
While working for 12 years now building various businesses, teams and processes I had come to the same realisation that the above tweet articulated so greatly.
And then I found the great Leonhard Euler in the introduction to his book on analysis of infinite → http://www.17centurymaths.com/contents/euler/introductiontoanalysisvolone/prefacevol1.pdf
I have noticed repeatedly that the greatest part of the difficulties, which students of mathematics are accustomed to strike in learning the Analysis of the infinites, arises thence, because they address the mind to that higher art with ordinary algebra scarcely understood ; so it happens, that not only do novices stop as if on the threshold, but also they may form for themselves perverse ideas of that infinity, the notion of which is called
upon as an aid to their understanding.
Truly, you can never attempt the great, without mastering the minute.